About Me

Welcome: I'm Graham Pilger, the founder of Being Free Together. My journey as a psychedelic guide and counselor is ​deeply rooted in my passion for facilitating profound transformations and healing experiences. With a background in ​psychology and extensive training in various therapeutic, relational, and spiritual modalities, I aim to create a space where ​individuals can explore and connect with their deepest selves.

My Journey and Experience: I have personally been on a healing journey through depression, grief, dissociation, chronic ​pain and disempowerment. Along the way I have had many transformative and healing experiences. I have cultivated a ​tremendous amount of self awareness, self-trust, empowerment and a sense of self leadership. I can express myself more ​clearly than ever to the people in my life and I feel connected to guiding wisdom within and beyond me. Through the grace ​of brilliant and wise teachers from a variety of disciplines, access to powerful medicines and a relentless commitment to ​radiant peaceful aliveness in myself and others I feel blessed to share these gifts with others.

Being Free Together: Since December 2021, I have been supporting clients as a counselor and psychedelic guide. My ​approach integrates therapeutic, spiritual, and relational healing modalities, helping clients understand their history, ​deepen their connection to themselves, and connect with supportive communities and practices.

Certification: I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts and am a certified professional ​life coach through the Certified Life Coach Institute. My professional path has been diverse yet consistently centered on ​supporting individuals and organizations focussed on their personal growth and healing.

Psychedelic Consulting LLC: As the CEO and founder, I collaborate with various companies to research and develop ​businesses focused on psychedelic medicine. My work involves leveraging industry connections, presenting investment ​opportunities, and developing strategies for entering the psychedelic therapy marketplace.

Healingmaps.com: As an article writer, I stay up to date with trends in plant medicine and psychedelic research, ensuring ​SEO optimization and sharing cutting-edge knowledge about psychedelic treatments and developments.

PRISMA Leadership: My role as a workshop assistant and consultant involved refining somatic relational therapeutic ​methods, assisting in leading retreats and workshops, and developing business plans for novel therapeutic healing ​processes.

Adamo Bioscience: Working with Dr. Molly Maloof, I conducted literature reviews on relational and sexual therapies with a ​trauma focus, identified investors, and developed clinical protocols and regulatory strategies for novel psychedelic love ​drugs.

Novamind: Under the guidance of Dr. Ried Robison and Dr. Paul Thielking, I conducted literature reviews on gender minority ​psychiatry, PTSD, and IFS therapy. I also aided in drafting clinical research protocols involving MDMA and psilocybin.

Transpersonal Psychedelic Therapy: As a mentee of Rob Colbert Ph.D., I explored the field of psychedelic therapy, delving ​into transpersonal psychology and the mystical dimensions of healing.

Comprehensive Understanding and Diverse Perspectives

My commitment to understanding humans from various frames of reference is at the core of my practice. I draw from an ​extensive array of disciplines, ensuring a holistic and deeply informed approach:

  • Psychological: My background in psychology provides a strong foundation for understanding the complexities of the ​human mind and behavior.
  • Spiritual: I integrate spiritual practices to facilitate deeper connections with oneself and the universe.
  • Neurophysiological: Understanding the brain and its functions allows me to apply cutting-edge techniques in ​therapeutic settings.
  • Cognitive Scientific: I incorporate principles of cognitive science to enhance the efficacy of my interventions.
  • Historical: Acknowledging historical contexts helps in understanding the roots of individual and collective traumas.
  • Relational: Emphasizing the importance of relationships, I facilitate healing within interpersonal contexts.

Intentional Use of Psychedelics

I have been actively involved in community practice and the use of psychedelics in both therapeutic and ceremonial ​settings for a long time. I have experiences with psychotherapeutic, indigenous, religious, and ceremonial use of medicines ​and I hold this varied wisdom in the highest reverence and respect. This diverse background enriches my ability to guide ​clients through their journeys with respect and deep understanding.

Sacredness and Holistic Transformation

Central to my work is the return to sacred ritual in life, instilling every aspect of life with meaning, connection, and purpose. ​I deeply believe in the non-propositional ways of knowing that transcend cognitive and intellectual understanding. True ​transformation, in my view, must occur on every level of the psyche and encompass every level of knowing.

Primary Influences and Methodologies

  • Circling and Authentic Relating: These tools are major influences on my work, fostering deeper connections and ​authentic communication.
  • Somatic Practices and Embodiment: Engaging the body as a central element in healing and self-discovery.
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS): Helping clients map their internal landscape and understand the roles and needs of ​different parts of themselves.
  • Compassionate Inquiry: Compassionate Inquiry helps individuals uncover and understand the hidden dynamics behind ​their struggles, fostering a reconnection with their authentic, pristine essence through skilled and compassionate ​questioning.
  • Nonviolent Communication (NVC): Facilitating compassionate and clear communication within oneself and with ​others.
  • Attachment and developmental theory: Orienting towards how learned patterns of relationship and connection shape ​our lives.
  • Mindfulness: Cultivating presence and awareness as foundational elements of personal transformation.

Values and Vision

I live to serve love, truth, freedom, peace, joy, forgiveness, and kindness. My mission is to help you find a sense of home in ​your body, mind, community, life, and universe. I strsive to create a safe environment where we can be guided by truth and ​love and ultimately, be free together.

Through Being Free Together, I aim to support you in finding an ecology of practices that allow you to adapt to changing ​conditions, remain connected to your authenticity, and maintain a radiant, thriving aliveness. The opportunity to help ​people see themselves and the world more clearly, to feel free from limitations, and to make decisions that feel deeply right ​is an unparalleled gift.

Thank you for being here. I look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you.


Graham Pilger